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   Sunday, June 19, 2011

  Largest Matzo: Manischewitz sets world record (Video)

NEWARK, NJ, USA -- In honor of the opening of its new headquarters, in Newark, Manischewitz daringly baked a giant matzo which measured 25 feet 1 inch (7 1/2 meters) long and 41.5 inches (a little over a meter) wide and weighed about 25 pounds (11 kilograms) and equals that of 336 regular matzos , setting the world record for the Largest Matzo.
largest matzo Mayor Cory Booker
  Photo: Newark Mayor Cory Booker eats a piece of a large matzo that was baked during the grand opening of the headquarters for the Manischewitz company, Tuesday, June 14, 2011 in Newark, N.J. The kosher product company sets the world record for the Largest Matzo. Photo: Julia Cortez /AP (enlarge photo)

  The Guinness world record for the largest matzah ball weighed 121.1 kg (267 lb) and was made by Noah's Ark Original Deli (USA) in New York, USA.

  Guinness World Records also recognized the LOngest salad bar: it was constructed by Nola Mayonnaise (South Africa) and measured 201.2 m (660.10 ft).

  Israel's chief rabbi, Yona Metzger, blessed the plant and the town's mayor, Cory A. Booker, joined the event.

  The matzo, which was baked in a 200-foot-long oven, was divided up after the ceremony for everyone to sample.
largest Matzo Manischewitz

 Photo: N.J. Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz (pictured above), chief rabbi of Manischewitz, shows us just how big the giant matzo was - that's a regular sheet of matzo his holding. Photo: Peter Morehand (enlarge photo)

  Metzger said the company has helped transform the world of kosher food.

 "The word 'Manischewitz' is like two words: money and sweat. So, if you want to do money, you have to sweat," he said.

  "They sweat a lot and they did it. And, now, the company became the biggest, the largest kosher company in the world."
   Related world records:   
  Largest matzo ball: Tucson Jewish Food Festival    

  Largest Matzah Ball: Noah's Ark Original Deli

   Longest skewer of kebab: El Paso family
   Hottest sausage: The 'Devil's Sausage'

   Largest serving of barbecued beef: Argentina (Video)
 Longest sausage: Chef Alberto Della Pelle and his team

  Largest caprine cheese: Greek farmers

    Largest Zampone sausage: Castelnuovo Rangone Chefs

    Largest matzo ball: Tucson Jewish Food Festival
     Largest Sushi Mosaic: Norway

    Largest enchilada: Mexico City

     Largest sausage kolache: Kolache Haven

      Most Chicken Fried Simultaneously: Tiberiu Kiss-Budai

     Longest Shish Kebab: Murat Aksu
      Largest Bowl of Macaroni And Cheese: Chef John Folse

 Sunday, June 19, 2011

    [World Record Certificate

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