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    Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Maxximus LNG 2000 Receives Car of The Year Award

MIAMI, FL, USA -- The Maxximus LNG 2000, the brainchild of financier Bruce McMahan has been named winner of Car of the Year 2012 Award by the World Record Academy, the world's largest organization which verify & certify world records.
Dr. Bruce McMahan and the Maxximus LNG 2000 - Car of The Year
  Photo: Photo: Dr. D. Bruce McMahan and The Maxximus LNG 2000. Photo: WRA (enlarge photo)

 The Maxximus LNG 2000 has been recognized by the World Record Academy for its overall balance and the outstanding achievements in speed, fuel efficiency, dynamics and originality.
  At a time when oil prices were soaring, Dr. McMahan conceived a strategy of utilizing America's highly abundant yet untapped fossil fuel, natural gas.

   "We have this fuel in abundance throughout the United States. We should focus on developing the infrastructure, create jobs, and decrease our dependence on foreign fuel sources," Dr. Bruce McMahan says.

  Centaur Performance Group, the incubator group that researched and brought these technological monster advancements in the green automotive sector, unveiled the Maxximus LNG 2000 in 2011 at the Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas, NV.

   Director Jeff McMahan states "The multiple records which the Maxximus LNG 2000 holds reflects years of hard work and effort. Without my father's vision and leadership, none of this would have been attainable.

   Dr. McMahan takes great pride in his accomplishments with the Maxximus LNG 2000. "America should reduce its dependency on foreign energy while stimulating America's economy by focusing on our own untapped resources," he said.

   Related world records:
  Fastest LNG powered supercar: Maxximus LNG 2000 sets world records (VIDEO)

  Fastest LNG powered supercar: Maxximus LNG 2000 sets new world records (VIDEO)



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